9X0SP and
9U0A DXpeditions 2010
DL7DF, Wolf, DL4WK, Frank, DL7UFR and Rolf, DL7VEE were QRV from
the evening of the 26th October to the morning of the November 2nd
as 9X0SP from the Golf Hills Residence in Kigali. We were running two stations
with K2-transceivers and almost 500 watt amplifiers. We used a Spiderbeam for
20 – 10 m and three vertical antennas. 8529 QSOs were made in CW, SSB, RTTY,
PSK and one in SSTV. Conditions on 160 m and on 6 m were rather poor and didn’t
allow any QSO.
The second
part of our expedition started at the evening of the November 3rd
until the morning of November 9th as 9U0A from the Hotel Club du Lac
Anyway, we
enjoyed it very much and so we thank you for so many QSOs. Together we
registered nearly 22.000 QSOs in 11 days activity.
QSL via
DL7DF direct or bureau, later we will give the QSOs to LOTW. Colour QSLs are
already ordered.
An online
log and other information you can find under www.dl7df.com/9x_9u/
73 Rolf
Continents 9X0SP 9U0A
EU: 6008 8352
(darunter DL: 1180 1516)
AS: 1329 1157
AF: 80 160
NA: 963 3127
SA: 89 283
OC: 57 70
CW: 7620 10747
SSB: 655 1887
DIG: 254 521
All: 8529 13155
9X0SP-crew with two hotel guys
(from left to right DL7DF, X, X, DL4WK, DL7UFR, DL7VEE)
concentrated OPs at 3 stations on the air 9U0A